OLLIE...  is a very handsome boy, a retriever/setter or spaniel x we think (he is quite tall and leggy).

Ollie was surrendered into Dunboyne Pound in Ireland two weeks ago and, as you can see, he was a very scared boy who retreated to the furthest corner of his kennel.  He is now out and safe and in kennels waiting to come over to us.

We don’t know much about him other than he gets on well with other dogs and that he is young and nervous. Once reassured, though, is a very gentle, affectionate boy who can barely believe his luck that someone wants to give him some attention.  We suspect that he will soon come out of his shell.

We think Ollie is probably a failed gundog and has had very little in his young life. Hopefully we can change that for him.

Ollie will arrive with us next week and we are looking for a calm, confident home with some experience at reassuring an anxious dog, perhaps with an older, steady dog to help reassure him.

If you are interested in Ollie, either as a foster or a forever (or both!) home, please email info@blackretrieverx.co.uk asap.

There is an adoption fee of £150 + VAT (total £180) for Ollie, which includes the cost of his transport from Ireland, vaxing, flea-treating, microchipping and neutering if appropriate.

(added 31/3/11)