SAMMY...  is a very handsome, leggy black lab, possibly with a smidge of something else (pointer?) in there.

Sammy  landed in Monaghan Pound in Ireland a couple of weeks ago and, unclaimed, was on the put-to-sleep list.

Sammy is a youngster and a steady, unassuming, well-mannered young man who is lovely with people and fine with other dogs.

He looks to be a thinker - and a bright boy, ready to learn.  He arrives with us this weekend and will be fostered in Leicestershire, so more info to come soon!

UPDATE 18/5/11

What a wonderful character Sammy has proven to be - and, yep, he’s smart!  Those on our email update list will have been following his antics which include jumping up onto kitchen worktops (all four feet) and turning up in very unexpected places in the house and garden thanks to the amazing ability to open doors.

But there’s no malice in this boy --  he has the sweetest temperament. He just needs an active home, good walks and, ideally, the companionship of another playful dog (male or female - he gets on really with them all).  Tired Sammy is Very Good Sammy - a gentle, loving, cuddly house-guest who is terrific with people and would be fine with even young children (although NB he does jump up a bit and he can “lurch” towards something without warning on lead so definitely needs to be walked by an adult).

He is completely house-trained, settles at night, know basic commands, pulls a bit on the lead  (still work to do there) but is really good off-lead  - a bit of an adventurer, but he comes every time. He would benefit from formal classes and will be a joy to train as he is super-bright and incredibly eager, literally hanging on your every word.

If you are interested in Sammy, please email asap.

There is an adoption fee of £150 + VAT (total £180) for Sammy, which includes the cost of his transport from Ireland, vaxing, flea-treating, microchipping and neutering if appropriate.

UPDATE 9/6/11

Rehomed! Lovely Sammy has gone to live with Clare and Noam in Berkshire - exactly the stimulating and active home we were looking for.  He’s loving the one-to-one attention and is settling beautifully at work with Clare who runs her own business.  We’re even assured he has not yet had a Naughty Day.

Early days.... early days... ;-)

(added 31/3/11)